Ape Gale Indonesia

Conversant Expatriate Services

Our presence with a digital format in the Expatriate Management Services and Manpower Supply Services with a view to assist clients in obtaining optimal results. Through digitization clients can access as well as monitor activities in relation with the Expatriate services and the management of Manpower Supply activities online, in real time, anywhere, anytime.

Expatriate Hosting Services

We are a pioneer in the field of Expatriate Hosting Services Technology, therefore the process of fulfilling the needs of Expatriate from clients all over Indonesia can be done much faster and well managed while still guided by the applicable laws in Indonesia

Expatriate Formalities Services

Based on a wide network all over Indonesia, we are here to serve clients in making Expatriate permits all over Indonesia.  

Manpower Supply Services

We prepare skilled human resources for outsourcing purposes according to client needs as well as participate in supervising and coaching their performance to ensure that clients obtain a reliable and competent workforce.

HR System & Consulting

With the experience of professionals and practitioners who become our Consultants and partners in the field of Human Resources. We will be able to provide appropriate and efficient solutions to clients.

Gale Resources Information System

The web based applications that are created to ease clients in managing matters in relation with the Legal Formalities, Expatriate Hosting and Airport Escort Services.


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Company Profile

About Us

Ape Gale Indonesia is the Sister company of PT. MAS which has credibility and experience in permits services for Expatriates and Manpower Supply Management for local workers for more than 20 years.

Conversant Expatriate Services

Our presence with a digital format in the Expatriate Management Services and Manpower Supply Services with a view to assist clients in obtaining optimal results.

Through digitization clients can access as well as monitor activities in relation with the Expatriate services and the management of Manpower Supply activities online, in real time, anywhere, anytime. 

Our Values

Commitment to Service

Serve clients better by identifying, understanding and satisfying clients needs and expectations

Adaptive Solutions

Provide the best solutions in accordance with clients needs through empowering digital technology


Be transparent, honest and fulfill the commitment to maintain reputation and trust of clients

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Our Company Profile

Company Profile (Bahasa)

Company Profile (English)

Ape Gale Services

Broad Expatriate Hosting

We are a pioneer in the field of Expatriate Hosting Services Technology, therefore the process of fulfilling the needs of Expatriate from clients all over Indonesia can be done much faster and well managed while still guided by the applicable laws in Indonesia.

Expatriate Formalities

Based on a wide network all over Indonesia, we are here to serve clients in making Expatriate permits all over Indonesia.

Manpower Supply

We prepare skilled human resources for outsourcing purposes according to client needs as well as participate in supervising and coaching their performance to ensure that clients obtain a reliable and competent workforce.

Company Legalities

We are ready to assist client in making business legality. By having complete legality documents, the interest of businessmen can be protected while it is also formed as proof of compliance with the law, facilitating business development and as a means of convincing investor.

Airport Escort

Airport Escort service is a higher up service for handling the arrival or departure of VIP guests at the airport (for pick-up services, visa & immigration arrangements, as well as baggage claims quickly) without requiring a long time.

HR System & Consulting

With the experience from our professionals and practitioners in the field of Human Resources who become our Consultant and Partner, a commitment to provide effective and efficient solutions to our clients is effectuated.

Ape Gale News

Implementasi Permenkumham 29/2021, Imigrasi Sesuaikan Mekanisme Perpanjangan dan Tarif Izin Tinggal Keimigrasian

Implementasi Permenkumham 29/2021, Imigrasi Sesuaikan Mekanisme Perpanjangan dan Tarif Izin Tinggal Keimigrasian

JAKARTA – Direktorat Jenderal Imigrasi melalui Direktorat Izin Tinggal Keimigrasian (Ditintalkim) gelar Sosialisasi Layanan Izin Tinggal Keimigrasian secara virtual, Selasa (10/05/2022). Pertemuan daring tersebut membahas berbagai penyesuaian mekanisme perpanjangan serta perubahan tarif izin tinggal keimigrasian berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Hukum dan HAM (Permenkumham) No. 29 Tahun 2021 Tentang Visa dan Izin Tinggal serta Peraturan Menteri Keuangan […]



Pada akhir tahun 2021 tepatnya tanggal 25 Desember Satgas Covid-19 kembali merilis SE Nomor 26 Tahun 2021. Dengan berlakunya SE ini maka SE Nomor 25 Tahun 2021 dicabut dan dinyatakan tidak berlaku. Detil isi dari SE tersebut dapat di akses di menu: Enactments>Ketentuan-ketentuan Lainnya.



Satgas Penanganan Covid-19 telah menerbitkan kembali SE terbaru Nomor 25 Tahun 2021 tentang Protokol Kesehatan Perjalanan Internasional Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 yang mulai berlaku pada tanggal 14 Desember 2021. Dengan berlakunya SE ini maka SE Nomor 23 Tahun 2021 dan Addendum SE Nomor 23 Tahun 2021 tentang Protokol Kesehatan Perjalanan Internasional Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 […]

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